Ohio Working Dog
Preservation Society
The following rules apply to ALL events held by the OWDPS.  This include UKC Dog Shows, Meet & Greets, Fundraisers and any/all get togethers.

Out of Control Dogs: Ohio Working Dog Preservation Society has a Zero Tolerance Policy for Out of Control Dogs.  Control your Dogs, if your dog is aggressive with other dogs, or people, or intolerant of children, KEEP THEM CRATED and Covered or out in your vehicle.  Let the Secretary know ahead of time and space will be cleared for you to get to your class.  BE SMART - ask for assistance, do not assume people are paying attention.  KEEP control of your dogs at all times. 

Interference with Service Dogs:  Many of our club members and exhibitors rely on Service Dogs to live their lives.  Several of these dogs are Medical Alert Dogs and may be ringside while their handler otherwise shows or competes. 
GIVE THESE DOGS SPACE. Do NOT permit your dogs, your children or yourselves to interfere with, distract, or otherwise harass, threaten or harm a marked Service Dog.  It is against Ohio State Law to do so.  YOU will be held accountable.  Keep your dogs away from any marked Service Dog.  Do not crowd them, or interfere with them doing their jobs.

Violation of either of these policies will result in your removal without compensation.
1.  PICK UP AFTER YOUR DOG.  Repeatedly at shows I'm having to remind people to clean up after their dogs.  Should you be found to NOT be picking up after your dog you will get 1 warning.  After that - you will be asked to leave the grounds without compensation and you will be prohibited from attending further events.

2. BE NICE. 
We do not tolerate any nonsense at our events.  If you have something nasty to say - say it in your car or not at all.  Do not attempt to interfere with another exhibitor or their dog, and do not sit in our show and talk your trash.  If a club member or exhibitor reports this behavior, you will be given 1 warning and only 1 warning (not 1 per event).  Should it happen again - at any event - you will be banned from attending OWDPS events and will be removed from the grounds without compensation.  Don't Do It.  This is a safe environment and we will not tolerate any behavior that makes it otherwise.

3. BE RESPECTFUL. When exhibitors are in the ring, be respectful, be quiet when you should and applaud those when completed.  When a special even it going on - such as our Working Dog Exhibition, BE QUIET.  If you want to laugh and carry on - leave the room, and /or the building.  WE had this occur last year during the reading of a message about a deceased working dog, it will not be tolerated again. 

4. NO SMOKING. There is no smoking permitted in the building at all.  There is also no smoking permitted in the doorways.  There will be designated smoking areas at our events.  Find out where those are.  

5. PAY YOUR BILL. You are expected to pay your bill.  This includes to the fairgrounds for camping or overnights, for entries at venues, and/or any other agreed to expenditures surrounding our events.  If we are notified of a member or exhibitor defrauding a location or vendor - you will be prohibited from attending any further events with OWDPS until you have made restitution in full.   
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